Friday, April 26, 2019

Week of 4/29

BSES Media News
Katrina Barnett, *3415
Marty Baskin, *3416

The end of the year is approaching.  As you plan ahead, please keep the following in mind:
  • May 1st- last day for student check out
  • May 3rd- all student & teacher checked out materials due
  • May 29th- teacher laptops will be collected
  • Each laptop will remain assigned to the classroom in which they are located.  If you move grades/classrooms next year, you will receive the laptop assigned to your new room.  Please start uploading documents and/or images that you want to keep to your google drive or a flash drive.  
Image result for buy one get one free scholastic book fair

Our last book fair will be held May 6-8th.  There will be no previews beforehand... testing... Sorry!

Flyers were placed in your boxes on Monday.  They should have been sent home.  Parents and students can create a wish list using the back of the pamphlet.  This will be reiterated on Dojo.


Monday, 4/29. 


If you would like to sign out non-testing computers or a cart this week, please use this sign-out sheet to do so.  Thanks! 

Friday, April 19, 2019

Week of 4/22: Important Deadlines approaching

BSES Media News
Katrina Barnett, *3415
Marty Baskin, *3416


Friday, March 29, 2019

Week of 4-1

  Image result for circus clipart             
            Media specialist: Katrina Barnett *3414

             Media clerk:  Marty Baskin *3416

 Here is this week's schedule.  Story time and makerspace will be available this week. 

Teacher Resources
Want to make teaching and learning engaging?  Here are some tools and/or websites that you may want to use with your students. You could use  these resources as one of your centers. 

Grades K-5:  FREE keyboarding practice for students:

This one has race cars:


Don't forget that we now have full access to our teacher portal.  The county officially rolled it out a few weeks ago.   As soon as you log into your computer, find the portal icon, sign in, and you should have full access to everything without having to sign into each program separately.  This applies to students too!

Friday, March 22, 2019

Week of 3-25

  Image result for circus clipart             
            Media specialist: Katrina Barnett *3414

             Media clerk:  Marty Baskin *3416

 Here is this week's schedule.  Story time and makerspace will be available this week. 

Teacher Resources
Want to make teaching and learning engaging?  Here are some tools and/or websites that you may want to use with your students. You could use  these resources as one of your centers. 

Grades K-5:  FREE keyboarding practice for students:

This one has race cars:


Don't forget that we now have full access to our teacher portal.  The county officially rolled it out a few weeks ago.   As soon as you log into your computer, find the portal icon, sign in, and you should have full access to everything without having to sign into each program separately.  This applies to students too!

Friday, March 15, 2019

Week of 3/18

  Image result for circus clipart             
            Media specialist: Katrina Barnett *3414

             Media clerk:  Marty Baskin *3416

 Here is this week's schedule.  Story time and makerspace will be available this week. 

Teacher Resources
Want to make teaching and learning engaging?  Here are some tools and/or websites that you may want to use with your students. You could use  these resources as one of your centers. 

Grades K-5:  FREE keyboarding practice for students:

This one has race cars:


Don't forget that we now have full access to our teacher portal.  The county officially rolled it out a few weeks ago.   As soon as you log into your computer, find the portal icon, sign in, and you should have full access to everything without having to sign into each program separately.  This applies to students too!

Friday, March 8, 2019

Week of 3-11

  Image result for circus clipart             
            Media specialist: Katrina Barnett *3414

             Media clerk:  Marty Baskin *3416

There will be no story time or makerspace  this week due to Dibels testing.  Here is this week's schedule.  


Read Across America 2019
Thank you all for participating.  We had some of the BEST celebrity readers stop by and read to our scholars.  

Teacher Resources
Want to make teaching and learning engaging?  Here are some tools and/or websites that you may want to use with your students. You could use  these resources as one of your centers. 

Grades K-5:  FREE keyboarding practice for students:

This one has race cars:


Don't forget that we now have full access to our teacher portal.  The county officially rolled it out a few weeks ago.   As soon as you log into your computer, find the portal icon, sign in, and you should have full access to everything without having to sign into each program separately.  This applies to students too!